Jiyeon Lee

Solution Manager, Education Innovation Institute, Taejae University

Jiyeon Lee holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Sungkyunkwan University and a Master's degree in Educational Technology from Hanyang University. She is currently the Head of the Educational Innovation Team at Taejae University. Ms. Lee is leading the innovation of active learning-based teaching and learning strategies and is deeply interested in Human-AI interaction and Learner Experience, particularly in enhancing learning outcomes in more inclusive environments through the use of AI. Drawing on this expertise, she continues to explore innovative approaches for the future of education.


[Track-B: AI in the Classroom]

Navigating the Future of Higher Education Through Strategic Collaboration


[Special Session]

Class Innovation: Experiments at Taejae University

“Class Innovation: Experiments at Taejae University” is a special session designed to share the experiences, achievements, and future innovation plans of students, faculty, and educational support departments—including the Educational Innovation and Planning Teams—over the past year at Taejae University. The purpose of this forum is to present a direction and vision for higher education in the AI era. By sharing and discussing the vivid experiences of a newly established university, we hope to provide meaningful insights for the field of higher education.