Steve Justice

Professor, School of Innovation Foundations, Taejae University

Dr. Justice is an Assistant Professor at Taejae University. He previously was Associate Professor of English Literature at Seokyeong University and a Visiting Professor of English Language and Literature at Catholic University of Korea. He has a PhD in Creative Writing (with research in Cognitive Poetics). His current academic interests focuses on creative writing, literature, cognitive poetics, active learning, and generative AI in teaching.


[Track-A: Evolving Classroom]

Active Learning Workshop: Leveraging generative AI and online platforms to enhance the learning experience

This workshop session aims to provide attendees with a sample of the type of active learning that is conducted every day in classes at Taejae University. In this session, attendees will experience how active learning is taught through the online platform Engageli as if they were students at the university. The session will include a short introduction in person before participants are invited to spread out to different rooms and join the Engageli classroom. There will then be a class session conducted to demonstrate how a variety of online platforms can be used as part of active learning, including Engageli’s built-in tools, ChatGPT, Google Drive shared documents, and Drawboard/Padlet. Finally, we will reconvene in person to discuss your thoughts and suggestions.