Yong-Hak Kim

Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University / 18th President of Yonsei University

Dr. Kim Yong-hak is Emeritus Professor at Yonsei University and served as the 18th President of the University. He is a member of the Board at SK Telecom, and Board member at Samsung Life Public Welfare Foundation. Dr. Kim is the first scholar in Korea to analyze and theorize about social networks. In addition to having served as the first President of Complexity Research and Education Network (COREN), his former Government positions include membership at the Presidential Consultation Policy Planning Committee, the Ministry of Education’s University Founding Committee etc. He has many book publications: Social Network Analysis (best book award by the National Academy of Science in Korea), Social Network Theory (best book by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism), and The Light and Shade of Network Society. He was the deputy editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Sociology and an international editor for Rationality and Society (Sage publication).


[Panel Discussion: Moderator]

Educational Innovation in the AI Era: Challenges and Opportunities